Painting on the Edge has CEASED

After 20 years of active digging, the Ness of Brodgar is returning to the field it once was.

This final season, painting on the active archaeological site meant suffering high winds and holding tightly onto each canvas as my hands froze and my seven layers of clothing tried to warm me.

Numerous rainstorms justifies my consistent work in oil paint. My canvases continued to be small so that I could hold on to them in the winds.

This year I prepared my canvases with a surface of gesso mixed with dirt from the spoil heap of Trench P. This was an interesting and possible habit forming condition as the oil paints were quickly sucked into the matt earthy surface and dried more quickly.

I also focused on oil works of the humans working on site. I was drawn to their coloured clothing and their bodies' shapes while working. These quick paintings have pleased the diggers and shares a moment of their actions. Often, I caught a bit of history in action.

NESS Originals are Now Available Limited Edition Giclees are Available


A few original paintings are packed, wrapped and ready for posting from the Ness of Brodgar shop

While the final season is ongoing, my remaining original paintings will be for sale. Others can still be purchased here as giclee copies. My titles will help you to coordinate with information about the structures at the Ness of Brodgar. You may find helpful information at

A COLLECTOR'S DREAM! All the stones, walls and diggers are no longer visible for painting. I think this means that all art created on the site becomes all the more special both as originals and as giclee limited edition copies. As of now, no one has viewed my work from 2023 and 2024, so watch this space and subscribe to my newsletter to follow my progress with these artworks.

Ness of Brodgar Giclee Prints for Sale

Notes on My Donation

Orkney is a place that continues to fulfill me. The people in Orkney’s past have given me structures and standing stones that have challenged my artwork. Since 1983, the people I have met on Orkney have supported my various ideas and activities.  Both the past and present have been living under the same sky and on the same earth that continues to delight and inspire.

With all of the above in mind, I continue to donate proceeds from sales of my Ness artwork.

I am pleased to write that I was able to donate a generous amount of last year's sales to The Peedie Retreat and the Ness of Brodgar.

What are those dark recesses I keep putting in my paintings?

What is a SPLADONGA?  You will note many titles using the word SPLADONGA.*
It stand for “specific point location – adonga.” In 2018, I was captivated by repeated rectangular recesses in the sondage areas in the Main Trench and Trench T. Dr. Jo McKenzie, the site's micro morphologist, said there was no name for these areas left after the removal of a soil sample called a Kubiena
tin. (For more info see: Dig Diary Special - Dr Jo McKenzie). So, she suggested I create a word. 

Thus, SPLADONGA* was born.

However, there are less SPLADONGAS in evidence at the site. Much of the sondages have been taken away. In 2024, they are not as obvious as they once were, making the artwork showing them more special.

Ness Originals
  • STRUCTURE 5 TRENCH J at the Ness 2022

    Sitting on the edge of Trench J and looking south to see Hoy in the distance, I am again in awe of the path around the structure.

    Original oil on canvas FRAMED 12x16 in 30x40 cm


  • LAST SIGHT OF STONE SF # 8337 at the Ness 2021

    Over in Trench J, there was this large stone that was so smooth and relaxed. I choose to paint it and its surrounding friends, only to find the area was going to change and that stone was to be lifted. This is the last view of it as it was when first uncovered.

    Original oil on panel FRAMED 8x8 in 10 x10 cm

  • ON THE ROAD TO BRODGAR while at the Ness 2022

    Another work painted when the sun was still high and the dig time was over for the day. What a sky!

    Original oil on canvas panel. Framed in black. Finished size 8.5 x10.5



    So much activity went on in Trench T at the end of August. So many stones looked grand and a great wall emerged that boosted huge well fitted stones with interesting shapes.

    Original oil on deep canvas 12 x12 in 30x30 cm unframed


    Andy has been the supervisor for a number of years now and she is like a mother hen for it. She labors over the clay floor that just exposed post holes beside the hearth. Early on I fell in love with Structure 1 and its fine wall. Andy in orange, seems to highlight the orange tone of stone, that I saw under this summer light.

    Click Here:

    Original oil on canvas panel FRAMED 12 x 12 in 30 x 30 cm

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      • IN THE PLAZA, THE MAIN STONE IS TYRED at the Ness 2022

        This large orthostat is or was a standing stone in what may be a central plaza. It is important enough to be aided by a wood framework. Digging has slowed down as 2022 approached the final layers and not every inch of Trench P was uncovered. So the black plastic and tyres form a common backdrop at the sight. I love the round tyres and the many colours of their blackness.

        Original oil and mixed media FRAMED 12 x12 in 30 x30 cm

      • PLAZA at the Ness 2022

        I like to integrate the use of stones when I paint as well as to add some of the earth around me. This small work has marks made by a stone found on the site. I have also used charcoal and oil pastels to add a greater sense of the site's textures.

        Original oil on panel, mixed media FRAMED 5 x7 in 30x80cm


      • ORTHOSTATS-GRIDS-BUCKETS at the Ness 2022

        Trench T was really a delight with hearths, digger's grids, buckets and those 3 orthostats on the northern (left edge of painting) edge. I have been looking at those for the past few years and now at least another one is all wrapped up in plastic to protect the marks discovered on it.

        Original oil on canvas panel FRAMED 12 x 12 in 30 x30 cm

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            • A SMALL BIT OF STONE CURVES at the Ness 2022

              Using a small canvas, helps me to focus on a small part of the stones below me in the trench. This one, central to the rest, had a delightful curve.

              Original oil on canvas panel. Framed and mounted in white, under glass. Finished size 10 x 10 in

            • ANOTHER PATCH OF STONES at the Ness 2022

              One of 2 INSIDE STRUCTURE 10 original oil on canvas panel 4 x 4in. Mounted and framed under glass. Finished size 16 x 11 in

              Small canvas and again, I zoom in on one area. This time, it is the space between the stones that look red and warm and wonderful.

              Original oil on canvas panel FRAMED under glass 4 x4 in

            • AND BETWEEN THEM ALL, EVEN SMALLER STONES at the Ness 2022

              Another small canvas and I zoom into the in between spaces. There are small stones, colourful and filling. Filling the gaps.

              One of 2 INSIDE STRUCTURE 10 Original oil on canvas panel 4 x 4 in. Mounted and framed under glass. Finished size 16 x11

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              The wind was blowing and the rain was streaming down and there was a well orchestrated sharing of help. Each person grabbed a bit of the huge plastic and like a roundabout, they pulled and stretched it across the yawning trench. I grabbed a canvas panel and whipped the paint on, rather uncharacteristic for me, I added the blur of the moving shapes. The Ring of Brodgar was barely visible and the Brodgar farmhouse was reaching out with its attached sunroom. I like to think I caught the energy of the moment and the grey of the weather.

              Original oil on canvas panel 8 x 8 in 10 x10 cm FRAMED in black. finished size 9 x x9 in

            • THE MAIN PATH at the Ness 2021

              Alongside Structure 10, there is path. It is clearly a path. I long to walk that path and let it take me to its end. Not sure anyone has figured out where the path goes.

              Original oil, oil pastels, earth on panel 6 x8 in 15 x 17 cm Finished FRAMED Whitewashed size8 x10 in 15 x 17 cm


              This is a watercolour whiteline woodcut, The Orkney Woodcut, a variation of the Provincetown print. It focuses on a curve of stones outside of Structure 1. The puddle just drew me in.

              AVAILABLE TO ORDER IN MAY 2024

              ** These are like monoprints except the whiteline portion can be repeated. The colours and what I add will be different. Contact me for your own bespoke version.


              This is a watercolour whiteline woodcut, The Orkney Woodcut, a variation of the Provincetown print. I have purposely mixed point of view from an overhead to a head on. The two stones flanking the middle are the shapes of those actually marking an entrance to Structure 12. The middle is a piece of wall and top and bottom are the shapes of the earth above. I have added some of the actual marks from a key stone that is a huge triangular block marked with patterns of diamonds and triangles. Why?

              Click to buy GICLEE COPY online at Ness Shop:



              ** These are like monoprints except the whiteline portion can be repeated. The colours and what I add will be different. Contact me for your own bespoke version.

            • IT IS ALWAYS THE STONES at the Ness 2022

              There I sit picking the stones to paint. I imagine the job of the wall builder. They had to sort through piles of stone to find the ones to fit and sometimes, someone decided to mark an edge. We feel lucky when one of the diggers finds that marked stone. One day, these clues may add up.

              Original oil on canvas panel FRAMED UNDER GLASS 4 x 4 in

            • PEERING OVER AN EDGE at the Ness 2022

              I tried to be an ant climbing up a side wall of Structure 1 and there I saw the Harray Loch on a cloudy day. Hmm, I actually haven't seen any ants around or about the Ness digging area. It is just those midges on the very rare hot days, I remember them!

              Original oil on canvas panel FRAMED under glass 4 x4 in

            • THE CURVE OF STRUCTURE 12 at the Ness 2021

              The walls of these structures have sagged over time and can be rather soft despite the hardness of their stones.

              Original oil on DEEP canvas unframed 10 x10 in 26 x 26 cm

            • THERE IS A PATH BESIDE STRUCTURE 12 at the Ness 2021

              Sometimes so much clutter gets in the way. But one can still find that path around Structure 12.

              Original oil on panel 4 x 4 in 10 x 10 cm Brown framed mounted under glass finished size 10.5 x 10.5 in 27 x 27 cm

            • ABSTRACT STONES at the Ness 2021

              Again, there is the path soft and diagonally across my view. Why would I want to paint all the stones as they are?

              Original oil on panel 4 x4 in 10 x 10 cm FRAMED white with double mount under glass finished size 10 x 10 in 20 x20 cm

            • ACROSS HARRAY LOCH TO HOY at the Ness 2021

              There is the spoil heap on the left and a bit of hearth inside Structure 12 and a blur of diggers in red.

              Original oil on DEEP canvas unframed 10 x10 in 26 x 26 cm

            • STRUCTURE 10 ALONE at the Ness 2021

              This structure has had so many archaeologists digging at it that , I was surprised to find it empty.

              Original oil on deep canvas unframed 10 x 10 in 26 x26 cm

            • THERE MAY BE PAINT ON THAT ORTHOSTAT at the Ness 2021

              As I sat looking at this scene, I was caught on the larger
              flat stones. In the distance, there was the grid and beyond, the tires over
              Structure 8. Towards the end of the day, word went out that there may be paint
              on those orthostats.  Hmmm….

              Original oil on Deep canvas unframed 10 x10 in 26 x 26 cm


              This trench is relatively recently opened, and the spoil heap is growing. Oyster catchers have taken to perching there and voles are running in and out of their vole holes!

              Original oil on linen canvas 12 x 12 in 30 x 30 cm FRAMED in black finished size 13 x 13 in 33 x 33 cm

            • THE PATH OF STRUCTURE 10 at the Ness 2021

              A corner of the hearth beyond the truncated standing stone
              and again, there is that path around Structure 10 that just leads the eye.

              Original oil on linen canvas 12 x 12 in 30 x 30 cm FRAMED in black finished size 13 x 13 in 33 x 33 cm

            • THERE IS A PATH NEAR THE WALL OF STRUCTURE 12 at the Ness 2021

              I know it seems strange to have the blackness of tyres contrasting with neolithic stonework. The black and the pinkness of the stones in the light of this day, was so attractive.

              Original oil on linen canvas 12 x 12 in 30 x 30 cm FRAMED in black finished size 13 x 13 in 33 x 33 cm

            • BRIDGE ACROSS STRUCTURE 12 at the Ness 2021

              One season, a long trench was added downwards Structure 12 and a bridge was built over it. The regularity of its wooden slats and the tyres stacked on the right with the Stenness Loch beyond, well it all just worked.

              Original oil on linen canvas 12 x 12 in 30 x 30 cm FRAMED in black finished size 13 x 13 in 33 x 33 cm

            • LOOKING PAST STRUCTURE 12 to the HARRAY LOCH at the Ness 2021

              I sat on the southern edge of Structure 12 and looked across on a rather cool and grey day. The hours were ticking and work was starting to close the site for the season. It was windy and there were white caps on the Harray Loch. Original oil on DEEP canvas unframed 12 x12 in 20x 30 cm

            • TYRES AND HILLS at the Ness 2021

              There are moments when I have enough paint on my brush to use paper instead of another canvas. I work faster and there is more energy in the marks.

              Original oil on paper. Mounted in 2 inch mount. Image 9 x12in 23 x 30 cm


              Original oil on panel 4 x 4 in Mounted in a frame as a set of 3 small works. FINISHED size is 9 x 13.75 in


              Original oil on panel 8 x 8 in Mounted in a frame as a set of 3 small works. FINISHED size is 9 x 13.75 in

            • TIRES ABSTRACTING at the Ness 2021

              Quickly in the sunset the colours contrasted with the black tyres and I went a bit wild!

              Original oil on canvas panel 8 x10 in FRAMED in Black finished size 9 x 11in

            • SWANS IN HARRAY LOCH at the Ness 2020

              Every spring before the dig season, we look at the number of swans and hope they will have a productive and safe nesting season. Sometimes, they are still around in the summer and we are all overjoyed to see them on the loch.

              Original oil on canvas panel FRAMED in thin limed wood. Finished size 6.5 x 8.5 in

            • HOY IS ALONE at the Ness 2021

              Sometimes, I like just painting the hills that wrap around this Heart of Neolithic Orkney. In this case, Hoy, the island to the south is featured.

              Original oil on canvas panel. FRAMED in black finished size 5.5 x 8.5 in

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            • BESPOKE PRINTS AVAILABLE BALL IN HAND at the Ness 2017

              I have been a volunteer at the Ness since 2011. During these years, I helped at the on site DIG SHOP. I was there the day the carved stone ball was unearthed. This is Mark Edmonds hand cradling the stone. He didn't find it. A visiting American student did.

              Original 4 x 6 in watercolour whiteline woodcut. Your order means I will create a print just for you.  Colours will vary! 4 to 6 week wait.


              Watercolour whiteline woodcuts are a variation of the Provincetown print. My Ness themed works are made using a Neolithic styled baren. I can make more of this, but it will be different in colours.

              Original 4 x 6 in watercolour whiteline woodcut. CONTACT me to order a bespoke version.

            • SOLD SONDAGE NESS EARTH IN THE PAINT at the Ness 2018

              Original watercolour and Ness earth MOUNTED 6 x7.5 in

            • SOLD SOLITARY SPLADONGA* at the Ness 2018

              Original watercolour MOUNTED 8 x 10 in 20 x 25.5 cm

            • SOLD HINT OF SPLADONGA* at the Ness 2019

              Spladongas are what I have named the rectangular recesses left from samplings using Kubiana blocks. Ask the micromorphologist about that!

              Original mixed media mounted image sized 8 x 10 in

            • SOLD RING STONES while at the Ness 2022

              Yes, the clouds really looked like cotton balls in a mirror smooth Harray Loch. I call these two at the eastern side of the Ring of Brodgar, the Gateway.

              Original oil on canvas panel. Framed in black. Finished size 5.5 x 7.5 in


              It was a struggle to work on such a large canvas with the wind often taking it away. Thus, I used a limited palette. There is Ness dirt scattered around it and graphite. BUT, creating this vertical version allowed me to go from the original 6,000 year old floor to the top of the trench. A bit like a tree ring, as the top is 2021.

              Original oil on 12 x 36 in stretched canvas FRAMED in black


            • SOLD ON THE ROAD TO BRODGAR while at the Ness 2022

              Another work painted when the sun was still high and the dig time was over for the day. What a sky!

              Original oil on canvas panel. Framed in black. Finished size 8.5 x10.5 in

            • WIRES BEYOND THE SPOIL HEAP at the Ness 2021

              Yes, there are electric wires and at times, the sag of the wire and the curve of the hill offer a change of subject matter.

              Original oil on canvas panel. FRAMED and mounted in black frame. Finished size 10.5 x10.5 in 27 x 27 cm

            • LAST MOMENTS TO SEE STRUCTURE 12 at the Ness 2021

              I think this may be the largest canvas I have managed on site. I did a few long panoramic canvas, but this one was a challenge. The wind was up and there was a rush to cover the site at the end of season 2021.

              Original oil and mixed media, earth from the Ness on stretched DEEP canvas. FRAMED in black . Finished size 21 x 21 in

            • THREE SPLADONGAS* IN A ROW at the Ness 2018

              Spladongas are what I have named, the rectangular recesses left from samplings using Kubiana blocks. Ask the micromorphologist about that!

              Original Watercolour mounted size 12 x 11 in.

            • AROUND THE NESS AT THE END at the Ness 2019

              Wheelbarrows and wheels and tyres and a round canvas. What could be wrong?

              Original oil on stretched round canvas. Diameter 8 x 8 in unframed

            • SOLD THE WATCHSTONE WATCHES at the Ness 2021

              Sitting by Trench T and again, I overlook to the Stones and Stenness. I wonder how it may have appeared without a road and I paint.

              Original oil on canvas framed in beige, finished size 9 x9 in

            • SOLD THE DIGGERS' REST at the Ness 2021

              The wonderful Jim, who helps get so much for all our comfort sorted, built this wonderful area for lunch and break times. During the covid year, it was one of the more interesting views to paint. I positioned myself on the road looking over. There was very little through road traffic.

              Original oil on canvas painting. Framed in lime wood.

              Finished size 7 x 9 in

            • AT THE NESS TRENCH T SHIFTS at the Ness 2019

              Original UNMOUNTED
              watercolour on ARCHES
              7.25x7.25in 18.5x18.5cm

            • SOLD TRENCH T INSIDE LOOKING OUT at the Ness 2019

              Original UNMOUNTED
              watercolour on ARCHES
              7.25x7.25in 18.5x18.5cm

            • SOLD TRENCH T at the Ness 2019

              Original watercolour on paper FRAMED under glass 8x8 in

            • SOLD STRUCTURE 12 HAS SOME FINE STONES at the Ness 2019

              The entrance to Structure 12 from the east side.

              Watercolour on paper FRAMED under glass 12 x 10 in

            • SOLD TRENCH T TWO STONES at the Ness 2019

              Original watercolour on paper FRAMED under glass 8x8 in


              Original watercolour on ARCHES

              mounted 12 x11 in

            • YES IT'S A SIDE OF TRENCH T at the Ness 2019

              Original watercolour on paper 10 x14 in

              26 x36 cm unmounted

            • THE HEARTH AND ORTHOSTATS IN TRENCH T at the Ness 2019

              Original watercolour on ARCHES paper

            • NESS EARTH GRASS at the Ness 2018

              Original watercolour mounted 7 x8 in 18x20cm

            • SOLD EARTH'S RAINBOW IN THE SONDAGE at the Ness 2018

              Original mixed media
              and pigment, mounted 8 x7 in

            • SOLD THE TYRES PRESERVED at the Ness 2018

              Original watercolour, mixed media, pigment mounted 8 x10 in 20x25.5 cm

            • SOLD NESS EARTH in 2018

              Original watercolour and Ness pigment, MOUNTED 8 x 7 in 20 x18 cm

            • SOLD SPLADONGA* PEEKING at the Ness 2018

              Spladongas are what I have named, the rectangular recesses left from samplings using Kubiana blocks. Ask the micromorphologist about that!

              Original watercolour and Ness earth, MOUNTED 7x7.5 in 17.5 x 19.5 cm

            • SOLD SPLADONGAS* at the Ness 2018

              Spladongas are what I have named, the rectangular recesses left from samplings using Kubiana blocks. Ask the micromorphologist about that!

              Original watercolour and Ness earth MOUNTED 9.5x 12.5 in 25 x 32 cm

            • SOLD BRODGAR DELIGHT at the Ness 2018

              Original oil painting on canvas 10 x 8 in 26 x 18 cm black frame

            • NESS PATTERNS at the Ness 2018

              I love the overhead shape of the structures and this painting focuses on that and the marks that have been found.

              Original oil on canvas black FRAMED 10 x8 in 26 x18 cm

            • SOLD EARTH'S SONDAGE...EARTH IN PAINT at the Ness 2018

              Mixed media at the Ness for me means using pigment sticks and using earth the diggers have handed my from the site.

              Original mixed media on watercolour paper mounted size 7 x 8 in

            • THE NESS ROCKS at the Ness 2018

              Another watercolour made despite the weather.

              Original watercolour mounted size 8 x8 in

            • SOLD A HINT OF SPLADONGA* at the Ness 2019

              Spladongas are what I have named, the rectangular recesses left from samplings using Kubiana blocks. Ask the micromorphologist about that!

              Original mixed media mounted image sized 8 x 10 in

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            • SOLD STRUCTURE 5 IN TRENCH J at the Ness 2018

              This version of Trench J includes more detail of the hearth that emerged this year. And those steps up the Great Wall, at the top of the curve, are brilliant!

              Original oil on stretched canvas 36 x 12 in framed in Black.


              Again, there is that path running towards the south and the Hills of Hoy. It was difficult holding on to this long canvas in the wind.

              Original oil and mixed media on stretched canvas. FRAMED in black finished size 36 x 13 in

            • Purchase Giclee online at the Ness Shop HOMAGE TO THE SONDAGE MONTAGE at the Ness 2018

              This painting was made throughout the 2018 dig season. It is a montage of various bits that have kept my interest. From the standing stone in front of Structure 10, to the 2 that mark an entrance to Structure 12, they are under the pink of that years' total solar eclipse. The edge on the right, runs along the western edge of Structure 12. When I first volunteered at the Ness in 2011, I was trowelling on the top surface of Str 12. Funny how I keep getting drawn to this huge structure.

              Original oil on plain canvas. 5 Feet high and 15 feet long. Clearly, this has been shrunk and is available online directly from the Ness of Brodgar shop.

              Link to the Ness of Brodgar Shop 
            • STONES OF INTEREST AT THE EXCAVATION at the Ness 2021

              These are 3 original oil on canvas panel size 4 x4 in mounted and framed under glass side by side. Finished size is 21 x 11 in 54 x 28 cm

            • MONTAGE: IMPRESSIONS OF THE NOB at the Ness 2021

              These are 3 original oil on canvas panels, mounted and framed under glass. Finished size is 21 x 11 in 54 x 28 cm


              Watercolour whiteline woodcuts are a variation of the Provincetown print. My Ness themed works are made using a Neolithic styled baren. I can make more of this, but it will be different in colours. This design is based on the Brodgar Stone unearthed in the 1930s.

              Original 8 x 6 in watercolour whiteline woodcut. I will paint/print an original version of this with the same whitelines.  There will be colour variation and the marks may also differ than this particular version.  There will be a 6 to 8 week wait.

            • SOLD GRASS STONES CORNER OF STRUCTURE ONE at the Ness 2018

              Original watercolour with Ness earth mounted 8 x 10 in

            • THE GRASS ABOVE THE DIG at the Ness 2018

              Original watercolour and mixed media MOUNTED 8 x10 in 20 x25.5 cm

            • TRENCH T AND THOSE ORTHOSTATS at the Ness 2018

              Original watercolour on Arches paper 10x14in

            • AT THE START OF THE SEASON, A SIDE OF STRUCTURE 12 at the Ness 2019

              Original watercolour on paper.

            • SOLD FRESH NESS AT TRENCH J at the Ness 2019

              Original UNMOUNTED watercolour 8.25 x 6 in

            • STANDING STONES OF TRENCH T at the Ness 2019

              Trench T has 3 large stones, now thought to be standing stones and the one is so visible with its wedge shaped top and angle in the earth.

              Original watercolour on Arches paper 10x14in

            • SOLD At the Ness 2019

              At one point, this extension to Structure 12, well, the stones seemed like backs of chairs. I quietly thought of this space as the meeting or conversation area.

              Original watercolour on paper FRAMED under glass 12 x18 in


              Spladongas are what I have named, the rectangular recesses left from samplings using Kubiana blocks. Ask the micromorphologist about that!

              Original watercolour on ARCHES mounted 17 x 13 in

            • SOLD LOOKING INTO STRUCTURE 12 at the Ness 2019

              Original watercolour on paper, mounted 10 x14 in 26 x 36 cm

            • ACROSS THE FLOOR OF TRENCH T at the Ness in 2019

              Original watercolour on ARCHES paper unmounted 8.25 x 21 in

            • THE UNIQUE TRENCH T at the Ness 2019

              Original watercolour on paper. 8.25 x 6 in 21 x 15 cm

            • ENTRANCE EAST SIDE STRUCTURE 12 at the Ness 2019

              Original watercolour on ARCHES paper unmounted 10 x14 in

            • SOLD YES THERE IS NESS DIRT IN THESE COLOURS at the Ness 2018

              Original watercolour
              and mixed media mounted 7.5 x 6 in

            • SOLD SONDAGE DELIGHTS THE SPLADONGAS* at the Ness 2018

              Spladongas are what I have named, the rectangular recesses left from samplings using Kubiana blocks. Ask the micromorphologist about that!

              Original watercolour and Ness earth mounted 8 x 6.5 in

            • INSIDE THE NESS COMPLEX at the Ness 2018

              Original watercolour and mixed media and Ness earth mounted 7.75 x 7in


              Original watercolour
              MOUNTED 14.5 x 12

            • BENEATH AND ABOVE SPLADONGAS* at the Ness 2018

              Spladongas are what I have named, the rectangular recesses left from samplings using Kubiana blocks. Ask the micromorphologist about that!

              Original watercolour with Ness earth MOUNTED 12.5 x 12 in

            • SOLD HINT OF EARTH IN THE EARTH RAINBOW at the Ness in 2018

              Original watercolour and mixed media and Ness earth. 8 x 7 in mounted

            • original painting from the Ness of Brodgar by Jeanne Bouza Rose titled On the western Edge of Structure 12 at the Ness 2021

              ON THE WESTERN EDGE OF STRUCTURE 12 at the Ness 2021


              I was rushing to use these panoramic stretched canvas but they had begun to close the Ness. I focused on the top layer of stones and again there was the curve of the structure contrasting with the angle cut from the earth to get there over on the right side of the image. Original oil and mixed media on stretched canvas. FRAMED in black finished size 36 x 13


            • SOLD IN THE LOCHVIEW GARDEN at the Ness 2022

              Lochview is the name of the house where much of the research is happening. These 2 standing stones, are so easily passed by as diggers alike arrive in summer to park their cars.

              Original on deep canvas 8x8in 20x20cm

            • SOLD STRUCTURE ONE at the Ness 2022

              Off to the east side of Structure one, it is safe for me to sit and overlook the perfection of the structure's angled walls below the spoil heap and tires waiting for the season to end.

              Original oil ond deep canvas 8x8in 20x20cm

            • SOLD ENTRANCE TO STRUCTURE 8 at the Ness 2022

              By the end of this season, it was well supported that this was the main entrance to Structure 8. It looks well worn and touched on the way in and out.

              Click to buy:


              Original oil on deep canvas 8x8in 20x20cm

            • SOLD Gateway Brodgar while at the Ness 2022

              Just a short walk from the archaeology dig, is my usual morning dog walk. The Ring of Brodgar always beckons to me when under a blue sky.

              Original oil on canvas FRAMED in black finished size 8.5 x 10.5 in

            • SOLD Alone in the Distance at the Ness 2021

              Sometimes the wind is blowing at the Ness and time seems
              short. I took my oil filled brush and on paper, painted swiftly the moment of
              clouds over Hoy. In the foreground, the tyres that wait to be placed back on
              the site for winter show up black along the shore of the Stenness Loch. Always
              the band of land across the Loch is crossed by dykes, and roads.

              Original oil on
              paper, mounted 9x12 in


            • SOLD Three Stones of Stenness while at the Ness 2022

              Sometimes I have extra time after the Ness closes for the day and still feel like painting. On my way home, the sky was so blue above the Stones of Stenness.

              Original oil painting 8 x10 in FRAMED in black finished size 9 x 11 in

            • SOLD On the Road to Brodgar while at the Ness 2022

              Another work painted when the sun was still high and the dig time was over for the day. What a sky!

              Original oil on canvas panel. Framed in black. Finished size 8.5 x10.5in


            • SOLD STONES of STENNESS while at the Ness 2022

              One seizes the weather and this was another painting worked on after the day at the Ness. Orkney summer with its long days is delightful.

              Original oil on canvas panel FRAMED in black finished size 8.5 x 8.5 in


              Structure one has an area with 3 large orthostats that just lined up with beauty and form. Then wrapped around them, were small finds tags. Already, one was removed and I feared more would change before I had a chance to paint them. The middle one appears to be inside a hearth? Or it appears to be fenced in. I wonder why?

              Original oil on canvas FRAMED 12 x12 in 30 x 30 cm

            • SOLD IMAGINE THE NESS at the Ness 2022

              I spend so much time overlooking into the trenches that I sometimes look up and beyond. I imagine how the Ring may have figured large into whatever was going on at this area. So, I just moved them closer and larger under that great blue, cloudy sky that was over it all.

              Original oil on round canvas 12 in 30 cm diameter

            • SOLD STRUCTURE 1 - CLAY FLOOR REVEALED at the Ness 2022

              This season the hit was finding the original clay floor with post holes beside the hearth. One can imagine small pots hanging from stick tripods. The question is "What was in the pots?"

              Original oil on canvas panel 12 x 12 in black frame.

              Finished size 13 x 13 in

            • SOLD THE MAIN STONE BELOW at the Ness 2022

              This is a mini version of the central standing stone being flooded by the round tyres placed above it. I loved the chance to abstract the situation on a small canvas.

              Original oil on panel FRAMED 4 x4 in 10 x10 cm

            • SOLD IT'S ALL ABOUT THE HEARTHS at the Ness 2022

              Structure 8 appears to never end in its size. BUT, there are also numerous hearths in all states of jumble. I have put them closer together as if in a dream. They wiggle and squiggle across the interior of 8. Inside each one there is a blur of layers of colour from the fire activity.

              Original oil on canvas panel, FRAMED 12 x12 in 30x30 cm

            • SOLD ACROSS THE NESS - STENNESS at the Ness 2022

              This was a windy day and again my view across Trench T beckoned. It was hard to hold onto the canvas, so I explored more texture in this one.

              Original oil on stretched canvas. Framed in whitewashed wood. Finished size 10 x 10 in

            • SOLD THE RING BEYOND at the Ness 2022

              Sometimes my interest and my paintbrush wanders to the sites around the dig. The Ring of Brodgar always beckons and sometimes the fields around are golden under the sun.

              Original oil on deep canvas

              12 x12 in 30x 30 cm

            • SOLD AROUND THE NESS at the Ness 2022

              Sometimes I remove the images of 2022 and in this one, I left off the cars in the car park and the adjoining farmhouse. I wanted the newly revealed steps up the great Brodgar wall to highlight the Ring of Brodgar beyond. Artistic license prevails!

              Original oil on stretched round canvas 12 in, 30 cm diameter

            • SOLD BRIGHT STENNESS STANCE while at the Ness 2022

              This is another of those paintings made after hours at the Ness. Another blue sky drew me to stop and paint outside the fences at Stenness. I love finding the angle where 3 stones appear to be 2.

              Original oil on deep canvas unframed. 12 x 12 in 30 x 30 cm

            • SOLD THE UPWARDS VIEW FROM THE NESS at the Ness 2021

              Sometimes the fields surrounding this World Heritage site surround a flat blue loch. Their ochre colour can glow golden.

              Original oil and mixed media. FRAMED in black.

              Finished size 9 x 11in

            • SOLD NOT BORED at the Ness 2022

              Structure 10 had a lot of boards across it. Kind of like walking the plank, boards. These just helped me to abstract the situation.

              Original oil on canvas panel FRAMED 10x10 in 20 x 20 cm

            • SOLD THE MIDDLE OF THE HEARTH AT STRUCTURE 1 at the Ness 2022

              It was easy to paint more sitting on the edge of Structure 1 as there were fewer diggers there. So focused were they on the clay floor and the removal of these 3 large orthostats. I caught all 3 before 1 was shifted away.

              Original oil on stretched canvas. Unframed 12 x12 in 30 x30 cm

            • SOLD THE GOLDEN PATH AROUND TRENCH P at the Ness 2022

              One of the highpoints of 2022, was the uncovering of a clay surface and another set of steps up the great wall surrounding this complex. When the sun was just right, it all kind of glowed yellow, at least to this artist eye of mine!

              Original oil on deep canvas 12 x12 in 30 x30 cm

            • SOLD ENTRANCE TO STRUCTURE 8 DELIGHTS at the Ness 2022

              I used my trusty stone to inscribe some of the marks found at the Ness. But the large smooth central stone does seem to have had many feet across it. Also, the stones seem to resonate colours from the use, at least for me when the light is just right.

              Original oil on canvas panel 8 x8 in 10x10cm

            • SOLD STONES OF STENNESS AS IT MAY HAVE LOOKED at the Ness 2022

              When the wind blew and I was perched at the edge of Trench T, the Stones of Stenness just looked so clear. I painted them without a roadway in front. "How lucky I am to be sitting here with a paintbrush in my hand."

              Original oil on canvas panel. FRAMED 8x10 in

            • SOLD AT WORK IN THE CENTER OF IT ALL at the Ness 2022

              I sat at the edge of Structure 8 looking south towards the spoil heap. Hearths and large orthostats and tyres were all in sight. Along the bottom edge are the particular stones that mark the entrance to Structure 8. I painted that entrance a few times during the 2022 season. I wonder what will be a theme for 2023?

              Original oil on deep canvas. 12 x 12 in 30 x 30 cm

            • SOLD OVERRIDING VIEW ACROSS 12 at the Ness 2020

              Somehow, this feels to have an Asian influence in strokes and feel. I tried to have a hint of the wonderful path that runs along Structure 10.

              Original oil on linen canvas FRAMED in black 12 x 12 in finished size 13x13 in

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            • SOLD SUPPORTING THE MAIN STANDING STONE at the Ness 2022

              The tyres that protect the site all winter for they weigh down the black plastic sheeting that covers it all, just get piled up along the trench. In this 2022 season, it often looked like a waterfall of tyres as a backdrop to it all.

              Original oil and mixed media on canvas panel 8 x 8 in 10 x10cm

            • SOLD THE CURVED WALL at the Ness 2021

              Sometimes a section of wall brings me close. I think it is the contrast of seeing planned structure below the green of the land I walked on to see it.

              Original oil on panel. 5 x 7 in

            • SOLD THE WATCHSTONE BECKONS at the Ness 2019

              The site was closed in 2019 but Nick Card said I could go and paint. This was the first one in the small series. It was different not to see that field in front of the sheds beyond filled with the diggers' cars.

              Original oil on canvas panel. 5 x 7 in

            • SOLD TYRES RESTING at the Ness 2022

              It was hard to walk through the grass around the covered Trench. It was high and thick and the tyres over the black plastic had to be remembered.

              Original oil on canvas panel Framed 8x8in 20x20cm

            • SOLD ORKNEY CLOUDS over the Ness 2021

              Original oil on canvas panel framed under glass. Finished size 8 x 8in

            • SOLD COLOUR ABOVE AND BELOW at the Ness 2021

              Original oil on canvas 4 x 4 Framed and mounted under glass. Finished size 8 x8 in

            • SOLD THE SHED BEYOND at the Ness 2021

              I used a lot of the earth around the site in this one. The shed that houses the finds, the LARGE finds of the day looms grey and long.

              Original oil on canvas panel framed 4 x 6 in

            • SOLD STRUCTURE 12 HAS AN ENTRANCE at the Ness 2019

              I kept being drawn to Structure 12 and this eastern side where there looked be stones flanking an entrance. Before this season was over, some very interesting marks and a quernstone were found along these walls.

              Original watercolour on Arches paper unmounted 10 x 14 in

            • SOLD THE COMET STONE in 2021

              This stone, a distance from the Ring of Brodgar, has now become the site of weddings and other Ring celebrations. It often has birds on top as I hope you note in this work.

              Original oil on canvas panel 8x8in. Framed in lime wood.

            • SOLD TILT OF THE RING at the Ring 2021

              The weather said to stay in the car. The car may have wished I didn't as it is now multi-coloured.

              Original oil on canvas panel 8 x8 in framed in lime wood.

            • SOLD THE RING BECKONS at the Ness 2020

              Painting this season without the Ness being opened up meant sitting at the trench spots and looking beyond. If not, all I would have painted would be the tyres.

              An original oil canvas panel 8 x8 in FRAMED in limewood finished size 9 x9 in

            • SOLD HORSETAIL CLOUDS at the Ness 2022

              The clouds were changing so swiftly and the water was so blue, saphire blue, that I rushed to catch it all. Using a small canvas panel helps the speed. These are the two standing stones in the front garden of Lochview, the house, the central research place on the site. The diggers and myself, drive up past these two everyday to park our cars. We treat them all too casually.

              Original oil on canvas panel FRAMED under glass 4 x4 in

            • SOLD WE THREE ORTHOSTATS OF STRUCTURE ONE at the Ness 2022

              For some reason, I was drawn to the area just adjacent to the main part of Structure 1 where these 3 orthostats look like ways to herd people. Each one has a peculiar shape and all were tagged as small finds. I didn't know as I painted them, that they were to be removed. I made 2 paintings from 2 different points of view, before one was removed. I caught them in their full glory. Lucky me, and you.....

              Original oil on canvas FRAMED 12 x 12 in 30 x 30 cm

            • SOLD FROM THE WESTERN EDGE OF STRUCTURE 8 at the Ness 2022

              I try to sit out of the way of the walking diggers. That often means I am on the grassy edge looking in and over an area. I found Structure 8 pretty interesting and there is a stretch of grass where it was safe for me to hang out. Overlooking it, sometimes a pier of stones stands out, or a hearth and tyre, or the clours of the earthen floor. Just imagine the puzzle of it all!

              Original oil on canvas FRAMED 10 x 8 in

            • SOLD TRENCH T IS GOLDEN at the Ness 2022

              Between digger buckets and grid screens, there is now double the quality of the stonework. That triangle stone is a beauty on the top of the wall, the great and beautifully made wall along the edge of Trench T.

              Original oil on canvas 8 x 8 in 10x10cm FRAMED in black finished size 9 x 9 in

            • SOLD ACROSS THE NESS THERE IS HOY at the Ness 2019

              Working on paper creates the need for large bold strokes soaked in medium. Fun, bold, the clouds move.

              Original oil on paper

              Mounted size 16 x 14 in

            • SOLD STRUCTURE 5 at TRENCH J at the Ness 2021

              It turns out the dark recess that I focused on near the bottom edge of the structure, was a drain. I made it look like and entrance. But oh how I tried to avoid the rain that fell from those clouds.

              Original oil on DEEP canvas unframed 12 x 12 in 30 x 30 cm

            • SOLD FROM THE TOP OF THE HEAP at the Ness 2021

              I climbed a bit up onto the original spoil heap to see the hills afar. Sometimes, you just need to see the softness of the earth apart from the stones below.

              Original oil on panel 4 x 4 in 10 x10 cm Blue Frame with mount and glass finished size 10.5 x10 .5 in 27 x 27 cm

            • SOLD STRUCTURE 10 THE PATH BESIDE at the Ness 2021

              I saw the green of the spoil heap and the black of the tyres below. Sweeping upwards, was the path that always draws me.

              Original oil on deep canvas unframed 10 x10 in 26 x 26 cm

            • SOLD SKY IS ABOVE- STONES BELOW at the Ness 2021

              So many stones between those tyres. The patterns of a life still unknown emerges.

              Original oil on canvas 8 x10 in 10 x 26 cm Black Frame finished size 9 x 11 in 23 x28 cm

            • SOLD DIGGERS UP - BOTTOMS BELOW at the Ness 2021

              It was time for Structure 1 to get cleaned up for the drone
              photos.  A great number of diggers
              started working.  The colours of their clothes shone so bright and their hair was blowing in all colours.

              Original oil on natural canvas 8 x10 20 x 26 cm FRAMED in black finished size 9 x10 22 x 28 cm

            • SOLD FRESH NESS AT TRENCH J at the Ness 2019

              Original UNMOUNTED watercolour 8.25 x 6 in


              Original oil on panel 4 x 4 in Mounted in a frame as a set of 3 small works. FINISHED size is 9 x 13.75 in

            • SOLD SOUTHEAST CORNER OF STRUCTURE 12 at the Ness 2021

              The curve of the neolithic mass is contrasted with the current sharper lines of earth from the trench.

              Original oil on canvas panel. 4 x 4 in FRAMED in brown, mounted and under glass . Finished size 10.5 x10.5 in

            • SOLD TRENCH T AND THOSE ORTHOSTATS at the Ness 2018

              Original watercolour on Arches paper 10x14in

            • SOLD GREY DAY ACROSS THE STENNESS LOCH at the Ness 2021

              Original oil on linen canvas 12 x 12 in

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